Facial Hair Transplant

A beard transplant or facial hair transplant is a process , that involves extracting donor hair on the back or sides of hair. Your surgeon chooses the hair which closely matches your facial hair and then carefully transplants it to the recipient site.

Let's talk about Beard Transplant

Beard growth or lack thereof, and patchiness may be a result of either scarring or genetics.

A recent study found that as many as 45% of men have been unhappy with the patchiness throughout their beard and sideburns and a Beard Transplant could help.

Does the Beard grows normally after the transplant?

Yes, the new facial hair typically grows like normal beard. The texture and other characteristics of the hair follicle harvested from the scalp, once grown back can be groomed, shaved or allowed to grow to any length similar to the original or native beard follicle. Once transplanted the new beard are permanent and difficult to tell apart from the original hair.

To ensure natural appearing beard, careful placement of the grafts at the correct angle and proper direction is required. For optimal graft survival after donor harvesting, careful handling of the grafts are essential.

Are you ready to have hair again?

Contact us and get a FREE online consultation today!

Facial Hair Transplant:
How is the procedure performed?

Procedure to facial hair transplant is performed under local anesthesia with an oral sedative.

The procedure roughly takes 2 to 5 hours depending on the number of grafts harvested. The first few days after the procedure result in tiny crusts forming around each transplanted hair. Typically by the second day, patients are able to travel home and resume non-strenuous activities. The transplanted hairs will begin to fall out at around 4 weeks, and then start to regrow at 3-4 months.